Chinese Abdominal Massage

Chinese Abdominal Massage is called “Chi Nei Tsang” (pronounced “chee-nay-tsong) This abdominal (belly) massage is a powerful healing modality rooted in ancient China. The energetic imbalances and tensions held within the abdomen are at the core of many physical and emotional ailments. Here's a brief description of Chinese Abdominal Massage or Chi Nei Tsang:

Chi Nei Tsang, which translates to "Internal Organs Chi Transformation," combines breathwork, focused touch, and deep abdominal massage to stimulate the flow of energy, known as qi (pronounced “chee”), throughout the body. The abdomen is the energetic center of the body and a storehouse of emotions, making it an essential area place for healing and transformation.

Through gentle yet profound manipulations, the practitioner works on the organs, fascia, and energetic pathways within the abdomen, releasing stagnation, tension, and emotional blockages. This allows for the restoration of energy flow, improved organ function, and the potential for physical, emotional, and energetic release.

Chi Nei Tsang is known for its ability to address a wide range of conditions, including digestive issues, stress-related ailments, emotional imbalances, reproductive health concerns, and chronic pain. By focusing on the abdominal area, this modality helps to enhance organ function, promote detoxification, improve circulation, and bring about a greater sense of balance and well-being.

The practice of Chi Nei Tsang emphasizes the connection between the physical body and the emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. It offers a unique opportunity to access and release deeply held tensions and emotions, allowing for a more harmonious state of being.

It's important to receive Chi Nei Tsang from a skilled and trained practitioner who can create a safe and supportive space for healing. The practice can be a profound and transformative experience, unlocking the body's inherent healing abilities and promoting overall wellness.